Baby A – Willow Glen Newborn Photography

I always feel so honored when photographing newborns.  Being able to take the first "official" photographs of this tiny person's life is a big deal, isn't it? This is Baby A.

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I was so excited when I arrived at Marcie and Jimmy's lovely home for this session because, not only did I have the opportunity to hold this beautiful baby girl, I had the chance to take photographs of big brother J as well!

Future heartbreaker, ladies and gentleman.

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I love seeing siblings together.  It was such a joy watching these two interact with one another.

Is there anything more sweet than a doting brother and his baby sister?

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No... no, there is nothing sweeter.

Although there may be a few things that are just as sweet.

Like a toddler's fingerprints on the window...

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Like a sleeping newborn...

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... and her newborn toes.

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Baby A, thank you for allowing me to take photographs of you... and even giving me a tiny smile?

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And thank you to Jimmy, Marcie and big brother J for inviting me into your home to take photographs of your sweet new addition!

Baby CJ - San Jose Newborn Photography

I LOVE babies.  I think I would have like a million babies if I didn't have an aversion to being pregnant and my husband didn't have an aversion to being Jon Gosselin. I think I just ruined this post by mentioning Jon Gosselin.  On the bright side, this post can only get better at this point.

Where were we?  Oh yes.  I adore babies!  So, it's awesome that my photography gives me an opportunity to experience the precious, yet fleeting, newborn moments time and time again.

And Baby CJ is one special dude.

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I arrived at the session, thinking of all the cool poses we could do with Baby CJ but he would have none of it.  He had his own poses in mind.

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You see, even at less than a week old, Baby CJ has always been a man with a plan.  Although he was due at the end of 2013, Baby CJ was born in early 2014.  So, technically, he was born in a totally different year than his due date!  This kid is amazing, I tell you!

And his parents are simply in love with him.

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Baby CJ says, "Tick tock, I have places to go, things to do, people to see."

Dear Baby CJ,

If the internet is still around when you're old enough to read this, what the pictures don't show is how your newly-minted parents knelt on the floor to change your diaper.  How they split a cold sandwich because it was more important to capture your first few days of life than to go to the grocery store.  How your mommy calmed you when you cried because you were too cold.  How your parents almost burned down their house because they turned on 2 heaters to keep you warm.

I hope you will always look up to your daddy...

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... and remember the loving embrace of your mommy.

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Welcome (finally) into the world, CJ!  You were worth the wait!

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Baby CJ - San Jose Newborn Photography (Sneak Peek)

We had such a blast at Natalie and Carleton's Maternity Session that we decided to keep the party going and take some newborn shots of their little one! I am excited about sharing a couple of pictures from CJ's big debut session but wanted to give Natalie and Carleton some time to first share the photos with their family and friends.

So instead of sweet photos of the newborn baby, I decided to mix it up and share an outtake photo of daddy and big sister Lucy.

I don't normally share outtake photos but this one was... I don't have any words.

San Jose Newborn Session 1


More to come...


Jeff, Nicole and Natalia - San Jose Adopting Family Photography

I am excited to share the photos from this family session.  Jeff and Nicole are a lovely couple who are in the process of adopting a child and I felt so honored to take photos for their adoption portfolio. As a mom, this session really resonated with me and I wanted these portraits to really reflect Jeff and Nicole's sweet family.   Luckily, my work was made easy by the fact that Jeff and Nicole are a naturally wonderful couple...

... with the cutest daughter and adorablest (that means most adorable) dogs.

The expressions on the dogs crack me up.

You can tell that Bacall and Honey adore Natalia.  And Natalia adores them as well; she spent most of our session, running around, feeding them and getting them water.  She is definitely prepared to be a big sister.

Nicole calls Natalia her miracle child.

After taking the portraits we needed for the portfolio, we were able to squeeze in some extra photos for good measure.  Nicole read Natalia a book...

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... while Jeff threw her in the air.

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Nicole and Jeff, thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity to be a part of your adoption journey!  I am looking forward to see where it will lead your family!

Baby C - Santa Clara Baby Photography

I was initially contacted by Anne in January of this year.  And only 5 months later, we were able to set up a photo session with her daughter, Baby C, and husband, James! The session was very different from what we originally envisioned.  Baby C was no longer a tiny beautiful 4 month old but an engaging beautiful 8 month old!

What a smile!

Baby C was crawling...

... and even standing... with a little help from dad.

I just love mommy and baby pictures.

Anne, James and Baby C, it was so nice to finally meet you!  Thank you for allowing me to capture your sweet family.

Baby R – Santa Clara Baby Photography

Baby R is 2 months old and her parents, Ash and Manasi, were excited to get some photographs of their sweet baby daughter.

I don’t know how Ash and Manasi manage not to eat those feet for breakfast!

Or those fingers.

When I arrived for the session, Baby R was fast asleep…

… and she continued to nap almost the entire session.  Which is amazing, considering she went through about 3 wardrobe changes and was even placed in a lunchbox for about a split second.

Although I am sad I didn't get a glimpse of your bright brown eyes, thank you for being such a sleepy dreamy baby, Baby R!  Sweet dreams.

Mike, Julie, Maddie and Sophie - Mountain View Family Photography

It was a perfect sunny afternoon in Mountain View when I met Julie and her family to take some family photos.

I had not seen Julie since our days playing trombone in the UCLA Marching Band.

Needless to say, we are just as cool as we were back in college.  Actually, Julie might have gotten even cooler, as if that's even possible.  Go Bruins!

It was wonderful to see Julie again and meet her husband, Mike, and their two adorable daughters, Maddie and Sophie.

Maddie was outgoing and full of smiles.

Sophie was shy and sweet.

What a beautiful and fun family they are!

Mike and Julie make such a stunning couple that I couldn't resist taking some mom and dad only pictures, while the kids took a brief break...

... and played in the background (mom and dad were totally prepared and brought some fun things to play with to the photoshoot).

Julie, Mike, Maddie and Sophie, thank you for taking time to allow me to photograph you!

Baby G - San Francisco Baby Photography

I love babies.  Their innocence and acceptance of the world amaze me.  Plus, they are cute and smell sweet! Because I love babies and I love to take pictures, it should be no surprise that I have a lot of pictures of babies.

Baby G is the son of a good friend of mine and one of my most favorite babies to take pictures of.  He's small but totally works the camera.

This is him working it in utero.

A visit to our place last year ended in a mini photo session.  I mean, look at those piercing blue eyes!

Those fingers look mighty tasty.

Dessert following finger food.

When Baby G celebrated his 1st birthday, we were invited.  Many family members and friends gathered for the celebration.  If anyone knows how to throw a great party, it's Baby G's parents.

Amanda, you've been on my mind.  I miss you guys.  Hopefully we can see eachother soon!

On a somewhat unrelated note, I had a 1 month old baby photo session today.  This should, in part, explain why I have baby photos on my mind as well as my inability to write a cohesive post.  Hope you enjoyed the pictures anyway!